A picture is worth a thousand words” Fred Barnard. And I strongly believe that my ‘real introduction’ is my photo gallery where you can see my work speaking for myself. My ‘First Love’ was my very first camera which was gifted to me by my father at the age of 10. I started wasting my reels on anything that would fascinate me and soon both, my family and I, realised that I have a natural talent to capture ‘Beauty’ and they encouraged me to shoot family gatherings, school functions and other social community events. Time changed, technology changed and photography evolved from reel to digital and from DSLR to ‘mirrorless’ but my passion to click is still the same and each time I capture a beautiful picture I can feel that 10 years old girl giggling inside me. I started my semi-professional career when I was in college and I had an opportunity to work with some of the professional photographers who taught me the ‘ difference between a snapshot and a picture’. Since then I have been fulfilling my passion but I focused more on ‘Wedding Photography’ and hence this has become my speciality. For me, my work is not just a work, its fulfilment of my desires and you can see this passion and urge to capture those unforgettable moments in my work.
I feel satisfied only when I see ‘ wow factor’ in my client’s eyes. All I can say about my work is ” Seeing is Believing”. You have to see me working to believe me. Looking forward to seeing you at your BIG DAY